We love testimonials

We love the feedback of our customers because we can learn so much more by listening. Another advantage is that public available feedback in the form of testimonials and reviews can inform others how we help our customers. Use the following shortcuts to jump to the testimonials.

General: All testimonials | Add a testimonial
Locations: Circle of Power | Psychedelic Loft | On location
Ceremonies: Psilocybin | Psiloflora | Extended Psiloflora
Employees: Arjan | Marcel | Stendert

All testimonials

The average rating of all our testimonials is:

Average Rating: 4.8 stars (based on 33 ratings)

You can read all the testimonials here.

Went to the other side!

Wow. What can I say? I’d been wanting to do this for sometime since listening to all the amazing research being done by modern intellectuals and institutions. Sam Harris, Tim Ferris, Jason Silva, Roland Griffiths, Michael Pollan and tons more. When I heard that it was ranked by most people as the one of the five most meaningful experiences of their lives… I knew I had to try it. Thank goodness I found Marcel! I told him I wanted the

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location


Do you want to know what it’s like to put your old life behind you and move on as a reborn human being? This happened to me after having a special cocktail of Marcel. Really, believe it or not, but I figuratively died during my trip and woke up as a new person. From now on I leave all my insecurities behind me because I value my life so much more. People wouldn’t it be a shame if you let

Review Marcel, Review Psiloflora Ceremony, Review service on location

Tripping and bloackages in the subconscious mind

For me, it was my first time. At first I wanted to do this for my hunting/stress problems during my work. I had also been in a ‘spiritual’ process for some time and felt that this had to happen. Anyway, the trip. It was a very intense start in which my body/mind system had to go through dark layers. Lots of nausea and feverish tunnel layers my body had to go through. All emotions/blocks in the subconscious were lived in

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

A good guidance during my psychedelic journey

As a traveler with a little more experience, I can say that I recommend Marcel ! He offers a safe environment and has enough knowledge to be able to advise in many areas. With him you can grow as a human being by being inspired in several ways, when it comes to sports, nutrition or making a spiritual trip, Marcel can help you with that. I am a pleasant experience richer and strengthened in my path. Do as I say

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Review truffle ceremony with Marcel as guide

What a trip I’ve made! Words can’t explain how and what that has been for me, but what I can express is how I got out of it. My interest in a truffle ceremony came after I saw this in a program that because of the active substances in certain truffles, connections are made in your brain that normally aren’t there. This is what I wanted to experience. Looking for who can do this I came to Triptherapie.nlthe right place

Ric Spruijt
Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Trip similar to the Tibetan book of the dead planned, but became differently

Here is what I can say about Marcel in his job: Prior to the trip: Very responsive, open to adapt to wishes, well organized, makes sure that everything is prepared and that no open questions remain. During the trip: Very professional and experienced, absolutely ethical behaviour, emphatic and caring, acts not as a mere tripsitter but as a coach/guide during the trip. After the trip: Still caring, not rushing out quickly to another trip, instead taking time to say goodbye,

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Psychedelic journey in the Psychedelic Loft in Schiedam

guess I’ve had a lot of experiences that others have, but it’s intense to experience it myself. In the beginning I saw beautiful statues, lots of colours and geometric figures, but at one point these statues switched to skulls and nasty little figures. I was relieved that this happened quickly and that I could indeed send it myself. I see this as fear that can be overcome. The lonely, sad little man I saw caused me a lot of grief.

Review Extended Psiloflora Ceremony, Review Marcel, Review Psychedelic Loft Schiedam

Face the fears

I had a very nice trip with Marcel. I wanted to find out what a trip could do for me, after I ran into some tricky pieces in my life I couldn’t really find the answer to. My fears often stopped me from following my feelings. Since I believe that all the answers are inside, I wanted to experience that for myself. After consulting with Marcel about which trip level could help, I had a wonderful and enlightening experience. Because

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

2 x Truffle ceremony with Marcel as a depression treatment and against my anxiety

I tripped with Marcel twice in the past couple of weeks. I have been suffering from clinical depression and anxiety for the past 6 years, ever since I got bullied by some male coworkers. So, I had serious paranoia about using psychedelics as well as tripping with a strange male trip sitter in Amsterdam (as I had gotten really shocked and afraid because of my previous experiences with strange men while abroad). Marcel got in touch as soon I texted

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

My inner journey

On September 20, 2019 I was ready for my third psychedelics trip. I had been given the extraordinary opportunity to be one of the first to do this session in a very special, idyllic location of our sympathetic host Arjan and of course under the guidance of everyone’s friend Stendert. The whole thing took place in a self-built wooden cabin, which was perfect for a two-person session with my good friend Steven.   In front of the cabin was the

Review Ajran, Review Circle of Power, Review Stendert

Stopped smoking after 20 years, 2nd session with Marcel

Hello people there I am again with a new step I took together with Marcel. A month ago I quit drinking alchohol and last Friday I had another ceremony with Marcel and this time it was all about quitting smoking, and I did it! Marcel knows how to feel me very well and says things during the trip that influence you positively and stay in your thoughts, I never thought I could stop smoking and tried to quit before we

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Psychedelic Burnout healing

I suffered from burnout for 5 months, unfortunately I persisted during the burnout, not knowing what was going on with me and reached the final stage, couldn’t function normally and even communicate properly, had flattened emotions (depression) and had everything one can have from burnout. I went from one psychologist to another, I drank all the necessary vitamins, but didn’t see the result, read on the internet every day what I could still find, looked for something rare that would

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Truffle ceremony after ayahuasca

I myself have a lot of experience with various ayahuasca ceremonies and truffle use, but this was very special! Good prior preparation with the right questions from Marcel ensures that you dig a little deeper into your subconscious. Marcel has a lot of knowledge about truffle use and human psyche. This complementary with personal attention and empathy results in a unique instructive trip therapy!

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Psiloflora Trip Therapy

The reason I chose trip therapy is because there is room for personal attention. That starts before you even start the actual trip. The advice I received has been very beneficial to me. Good healthy food, exercise and supplements had made me feel good about myself. My intention was clear and discussed with Marcel. Marcel’s explanation and attention was appreciated and was clear. He knows a lot about the workings of the substances in the brain and how to regulate

Review Marcel, Review Psiloflora Ceremony, Review service on location

Tripping against depression

I tripped twice with the help of Marcel against my chronic depression. Because I really didn’t know anything about truffles and had no experience with them I liked it very much to notice how much Marcel clearly knows about them. He gave me a lot of tips about all the supplements that make the experience optimal. Before tripping he informed me well about everything and during the trip he listened very well to what I said. He also had insights

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

My psychedelic psilocybin trip in Haarlem

Introduction With all thanks to Marcel. He has prepared me in an excellent way for – and guided me during the trip. Throughout my life, a single question has been and still is central; who am I really and what is consciousness? I have always felt that these so-called unanswerable questions can only give a satisfactory response if you dare to equate the human imagination at least with the superpowerful outer sense. With paintings, poems and dramatic philosophical texts I

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Triptherapy… mission succeeded with coach Marcel

Triptherapy… I was careful. Did my research beforehand. Marcel also gave me the necessary information. I had faith in it and took it on. I found it quite exciting beforehand. But wow! What an experience. I have the necessary knowledge from psychology. In addition, I’ve done a lot of research into softening processes myself. But during the trip all the information comes together. But the masterly thing is that you already know the things that come out. That the answers

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Happy life!

The help you get beforehand with trip therapy is more and more personal than I am used to. I have seen enough psychologists and this works so much better! Before the trip I already noticed that food and supplements make me feel so much better than I expected. During the trip it seemed like a bomb. It has been a couple of weeks now. I still feel less insecure because I also take good care of myself. During the trip

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Short report about my medium dose truffle ceremony with Marcel

My name is Victor, I have chosen psilocybin therapy for several reasons. The reasons are a bit different and I would like to keep them private but I think you can imagine why you would choose this path. I’ve been reading positive things about psilocybin therapy mainly from studies done in hospitals on depressed patients who are resistant to other treatments. This was not the case for me but I knew I could get things out of it that would

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

A journey to my subconscious

I had just checked into my studio that I had booked through Booking when Marcel rang the doorbell. A few weeks earlier, when I had finished my last project, I had booked a truffle ceremony online and today was the day that this place was going to take place. I wanted to listen more to my subconscious and see if I could find some career advice there. After all, I had just turned 40 and decided this was a great

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Truffle trip level 3-4

I had a truffle therapy at home with Marcel in December, I really liked it. I had beautiful visualizations of my surroundings, and when I closed my eyes I was in a completely different world again. The aromatherapy and perfect music made it a very nice trip and Marcel sat there quietly and asked some questions every now and then. I suffered from depressive complaints and they have become so much less, I started to exercise more, eat healthier and

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Review psilocybin ceremony as therapy

Last Saturday I experienced a beautiful psychedelic journey together with Marcel. What was my path here? I have a sensitivity for depression, and in spite of this sensitivity I have been able to achieve a lot, a lot of beautiful things that I haven’t been able to enjoy because of depression. My last episode was based on a gnawing feeling, something didn’t feel right. I started to focus on meaning. But also meaning could not comfort me when my love

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Experience truffle session

For some years now I’ve been walking with physical complaints after an accident. from a sportive person I sank away to a non-active person with twenty kilos overweight. Although on MRI scans and other tests there is nothing to be seen at all, I continued to suffer from my symptoms. No idea how many physios, manual therapists, chiropractors, etc, etc, I have worn out but nothing helped. At the same time we were also told that our daughter has a

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Update and more insights after my heroic trip

This is a follow up on my experience a few months ago — This might sound strange — but since my experience the meaningfulness and insight I’ve gained from my heroic does trip experience has actually increased. Not a day has gone by that I haven’t reflected upon this experience… and to say it has affected me in a positive way is a huge understatement. Although even to this day it’s hard to put into words what I experienced. It

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Beautifull and safe place

Manu and Stendert, I am grateful for my second psychedelic experience. You have given us a trusted and safe environment with your sweet care in a beautiful and appropriate environment in the forest house. Love, Danielle

Review Circle of Power, Review Stendert

Healing and renewing experience

A friend told me about her trip with psilocybin and I saw that in a few days she seemed in a much better place than she had been lately. Being myself in a difficult situation, and dealing constantly with anxiety and depression, I ended up researching more on the topic and was impressed to read about the actual results with psilocybin in the treatment of depression and anxiety so I decided to give it a go. I am so grateful

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location


I just wanted to say that I’m so grateful that I met you, and grateful for all the knowledge you gave me, Sten!

Review Circle of Power, Review Stendert

Amazing experience

What an amazing experience it was. I’m still processing it. Partly because of your good care, everything was taken care of down to the last detail and in its place. Just great!

Review Circle of Power, Review Stendert

More energy and trust of intuition

I did this psychedelic journey to get more energy. And release any blockages. I have not received a direct answer, but instinctively my internal energy management has been recalibrated. And I have the impression that blockades have been released. I experienced it as very pleasant. Stendert exudes peace and confidence, which has helped me a lot during such a first ceremony. He also clearly stated what we could and could not expect. The ceremony was part of a personal development

Kees-Jan Snijder
Review Circle of Power, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review Stendert

My truffle experience with Marcel

My boyfriend had asked me to do a trip therapy with Marcel. And I thought this was going to be a standard colorful Saturday afternoon and in the evening I am chatting on a birthday. From the moment Marcel stepped in and conjured up his homemade hot truffle cocktail. I knew, this is not going to be a normal truffle session. I’m a fairly sensitive type and had asked for a mild dose, which I hadn’t even drunk. Because within

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Psychedelic session with 71 year old

Actually, my mother had been doing no so good for 20 years. Years of psychotherapy (and medication) had only helped her minimally with her childhood trauma. Every now and then things got a little better. Then she was full of energy and ‘cleared up’, but in recent years the periods of low energy, depression and ‘dark periods’ have been coming together more often, more intensely and darker. In December 2023 she reached a very dark low and decided (partly because

All reviews, Review Marcel

Tree trip with Marcel

I was in Amsterdam for weekend and I decided to seize the opportunity to check out what actually is a guided trip. My previous experience with mushrooms was party/fun oriented but I had a deep feeling that there’s so much more that psychedelics can offer. I’ve contacted Triptherapy through WhatsApp and very quickly made some arrangements. All the questions I’ve asked were answered thoroughly and faster than I knew I was marching with a stranger to take drugs in a

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Marcel as a safe space tripsitter

Marcel provided a safe space for me to allow myself to explore an inner conflict I have been struggling with regarding my career and life direction. Marcel was very understanding of my need for privacy, but was also readily available to help out when necessary. He also provided me with useful advice regarding nutrition and exercise

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Circle of Power in Rijsbergen testimonials

You can read here what our customers say about the ceremonies organized at our location the Circle of power in Rijsbergen.

Beautifull and safe place

Manu and Stendert, I am grateful for my second psychedelic experience. You have given us a trusted and safe environment with your sweet care in a beautiful and appropriate environment in the forest house. Love, Danielle

Review Circle of Power, Review Stendert

Amazing experience

What an amazing experience it was. I’m still processing it. Partly because of your good care, everything was taken care of down to the last detail and in its place. Just great!

Review Circle of Power, Review Stendert

More energy and trust of intuition

I did this psychedelic journey to get more energy. And release any blockages. I have not received a direct answer, but instinctively my internal energy management has been recalibrated. And I have the impression that blockades have been released. I experienced it as very pleasant. Stendert exudes peace and confidence, which has helped me a lot during such a first ceremony. He also clearly stated what we could and could not expect. The ceremony was part of a personal development

Kees-Jan Snijder
Review Circle of Power, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review Stendert

My inner journey

On September 20, 2019 I was ready for my third psychedelics trip. I had been given the extraordinary opportunity to be one of the first to do this session in a very special, idyllic location of our sympathetic host Arjan and of course under the guidance of everyone’s friend Stendert. The whole thing took place in a self-built wooden cabin, which was perfect for a two-person session with my good friend Steven.   In front of the cabin was the

Review Ajran, Review Circle of Power, Review Stendert


I just wanted to say that I’m so grateful that I met you, and grateful for all the knowledge you gave me, Sten!

Review Circle of Power, Review Stendert

Psychedelic Loft in Schiedam testimonials

You can read here what our customers say about the ceremonies organized at our location the The Psychedelic Loft in Schiedam.

Psychedelic journey in the Psychedelic Loft in Schiedam

guess I’ve had a lot of experiences that others have, but it’s intense to experience it myself. In the beginning I saw beautiful statues, lots of colours and geometric figures, but at one point these statues switched to skulls and nasty little figures. I was relieved that this happened quickly and that I could indeed send it myself. I see this as fear that can be overcome. The lonely, sad little man I saw caused me a lot of grief.

Review Extended Psiloflora Ceremony, Review Marcel, Review Psychedelic Loft Schiedam

Service on location testimonials

You can read here what our customers say about the ceremonies organized at the location of our customers.

Update and more insights after my heroic trip

This is a follow up on my experience a few months ago — This might sound strange — but since my experience the meaningfulness and insight I’ve gained from my heroic does trip experience has actually increased. Not a day has gone by that I haven’t reflected upon this experience… and to say it has affected me in a positive way is a huge understatement. Although even to this day it’s hard to put into words what I experienced. It

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Tripping against depression

I tripped twice with the help of Marcel against my chronic depression. Because I really didn’t know anything about truffles and had no experience with them I liked it very much to notice how much Marcel clearly knows about them. He gave me a lot of tips about all the supplements that make the experience optimal. Before tripping he informed me well about everything and during the trip he listened very well to what I said. He also had insights

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Stopped smoking after 20 years, 2nd session with Marcel

Hello people there I am again with a new step I took together with Marcel. A month ago I quit drinking alchohol and last Friday I had another ceremony with Marcel and this time it was all about quitting smoking, and I did it! Marcel knows how to feel me very well and says things during the trip that influence you positively and stay in your thoughts, I never thought I could stop smoking and tried to quit before we

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Happy life!

The help you get beforehand with trip therapy is more and more personal than I am used to. I have seen enough psychologists and this works so much better! Before the trip I already noticed that food and supplements make me feel so much better than I expected. During the trip it seemed like a bomb. It has been a couple of weeks now. I still feel less insecure because I also take good care of myself. During the trip

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

A good guidance during my psychedelic journey

As a traveler with a little more experience, I can say that I recommend Marcel ! He offers a safe environment and has enough knowledge to be able to advise in many areas. With him you can grow as a human being by being inspired in several ways, when it comes to sports, nutrition or making a spiritual trip, Marcel can help you with that. I am a pleasant experience richer and strengthened in my path. Do as I say

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Face the fears

I had a very nice trip with Marcel. I wanted to find out what a trip could do for me, after I ran into some tricky pieces in my life I couldn’t really find the answer to. My fears often stopped me from following my feelings. Since I believe that all the answers are inside, I wanted to experience that for myself. After consulting with Marcel about which trip level could help, I had a wonderful and enlightening experience. Because

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Triptherapy… mission succeeded with coach Marcel

Triptherapy… I was careful. Did my research beforehand. Marcel also gave me the necessary information. I had faith in it and took it on. I found it quite exciting beforehand. But wow! What an experience. I have the necessary knowledge from psychology. In addition, I’ve done a lot of research into softening processes myself. But during the trip all the information comes together. But the masterly thing is that you already know the things that come out. That the answers

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Short report about my medium dose truffle ceremony with Marcel

My name is Victor, I have chosen psilocybin therapy for several reasons. The reasons are a bit different and I would like to keep them private but I think you can imagine why you would choose this path. I’ve been reading positive things about psilocybin therapy mainly from studies done in hospitals on depressed patients who are resistant to other treatments. This was not the case for me but I knew I could get things out of it that would

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Psychedelic Burnout healing

I suffered from burnout for 5 months, unfortunately I persisted during the burnout, not knowing what was going on with me and reached the final stage, couldn’t function normally and even communicate properly, had flattened emotions (depression) and had everything one can have from burnout. I went from one psychologist to another, I drank all the necessary vitamins, but didn’t see the result, read on the internet every day what I could still find, looked for something rare that would

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Marcel as a safe space tripsitter

Marcel provided a safe space for me to allow myself to explore an inner conflict I have been struggling with regarding my career and life direction. Marcel was very understanding of my need for privacy, but was also readily available to help out when necessary. He also provided me with useful advice regarding nutrition and exercise

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Review psilocybin ceremony as therapy

Last Saturday I experienced a beautiful psychedelic journey together with Marcel. What was my path here? I have a sensitivity for depression, and in spite of this sensitivity I have been able to achieve a lot, a lot of beautiful things that I haven’t been able to enjoy because of depression. My last episode was based on a gnawing feeling, something didn’t feel right. I started to focus on meaning. But also meaning could not comfort me when my love

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Experience truffle session

For some years now I’ve been walking with physical complaints after an accident. from a sportive person I sank away to a non-active person with twenty kilos overweight. Although on MRI scans and other tests there is nothing to be seen at all, I continued to suffer from my symptoms. No idea how many physios, manual therapists, chiropractors, etc, etc, I have worn out but nothing helped. At the same time we were also told that our daughter has a

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

My truffle experience with Marcel

My boyfriend had asked me to do a trip therapy with Marcel. And I thought this was going to be a standard colorful Saturday afternoon and in the evening I am chatting on a birthday. From the moment Marcel stepped in and conjured up his homemade hot truffle cocktail. I knew, this is not going to be a normal truffle session. I’m a fairly sensitive type and had asked for a mild dose, which I hadn’t even drunk. Because within

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Truffle ceremony after ayahuasca

I myself have a lot of experience with various ayahuasca ceremonies and truffle use, but this was very special! Good prior preparation with the right questions from Marcel ensures that you dig a little deeper into your subconscious. Marcel has a lot of knowledge about truffle use and human psyche. This complementary with personal attention and empathy results in a unique instructive trip therapy!

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Tree trip with Marcel

I was in Amsterdam for weekend and I decided to seize the opportunity to check out what actually is a guided trip. My previous experience with mushrooms was party/fun oriented but I had a deep feeling that there’s so much more that psychedelics can offer. I’ve contacted Triptherapy through WhatsApp and very quickly made some arrangements. All the questions I’ve asked were answered thoroughly and faster than I knew I was marching with a stranger to take drugs in a

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location


Do you want to know what it’s like to put your old life behind you and move on as a reborn human being? This happened to me after having a special cocktail of Marcel. Really, believe it or not, but I figuratively died during my trip and woke up as a new person. From now on I leave all my insecurities behind me because I value my life so much more. People wouldn’t it be a shame if you let

Review Marcel, Review Psiloflora Ceremony, Review service on location

2 x Truffle ceremony with Marcel as a depression treatment and against my anxiety

I tripped with Marcel twice in the past couple of weeks. I have been suffering from clinical depression and anxiety for the past 6 years, ever since I got bullied by some male coworkers. So, I had serious paranoia about using psychedelics as well as tripping with a strange male trip sitter in Amsterdam (as I had gotten really shocked and afraid because of my previous experiences with strange men while abroad). Marcel got in touch as soon I texted

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Trip similar to the Tibetan book of the dead planned, but became differently

Here is what I can say about Marcel in his job: Prior to the trip: Very responsive, open to adapt to wishes, well organized, makes sure that everything is prepared and that no open questions remain. During the trip: Very professional and experienced, absolutely ethical behaviour, emphatic and caring, acts not as a mere tripsitter but as a coach/guide during the trip. After the trip: Still caring, not rushing out quickly to another trip, instead taking time to say goodbye,

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Tripping and bloackages in the subconscious mind

For me, it was my first time. At first I wanted to do this for my hunting/stress problems during my work. I had also been in a ‘spiritual’ process for some time and felt that this had to happen. Anyway, the trip. It was a very intense start in which my body/mind system had to go through dark layers. Lots of nausea and feverish tunnel layers my body had to go through. All emotions/blocks in the subconscious were lived in

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

A journey to my subconscious

I had just checked into my studio that I had booked through Booking when Marcel rang the doorbell. A few weeks earlier, when I had finished my last project, I had booked a truffle ceremony online and today was the day that this place was going to take place. I wanted to listen more to my subconscious and see if I could find some career advice there. After all, I had just turned 40 and decided this was a great

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Healing and renewing experience

A friend told me about her trip with psilocybin and I saw that in a few days she seemed in a much better place than she had been lately. Being myself in a difficult situation, and dealing constantly with anxiety and depression, I ended up researching more on the topic and was impressed to read about the actual results with psilocybin in the treatment of depression and anxiety so I decided to give it a go. I am so grateful

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Went to the other side!

Wow. What can I say? I’d been wanting to do this for sometime since listening to all the amazing research being done by modern intellectuals and institutions. Sam Harris, Tim Ferris, Jason Silva, Roland Griffiths, Michael Pollan and tons more. When I heard that it was ranked by most people as the one of the five most meaningful experiences of their lives… I knew I had to try it. Thank goodness I found Marcel! I told him I wanted the

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

My psychedelic psilocybin trip in Haarlem

Introduction With all thanks to Marcel. He has prepared me in an excellent way for – and guided me during the trip. Throughout my life, a single question has been and still is central; who am I really and what is consciousness? I have always felt that these so-called unanswerable questions can only give a satisfactory response if you dare to equate the human imagination at least with the superpowerful outer sense. With paintings, poems and dramatic philosophical texts I

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Psiloflora Trip Therapy

The reason I chose trip therapy is because there is room for personal attention. That starts before you even start the actual trip. The advice I received has been very beneficial to me. Good healthy food, exercise and supplements had made me feel good about myself. My intention was clear and discussed with Marcel. Marcel’s explanation and attention was appreciated and was clear. He knows a lot about the workings of the substances in the brain and how to regulate

Review Marcel, Review Psiloflora Ceremony, Review service on location

Truffle trip level 3-4

I had a truffle therapy at home with Marcel in December, I really liked it. I had beautiful visualizations of my surroundings, and when I closed my eyes I was in a completely different world again. The aromatherapy and perfect music made it a very nice trip and Marcel sat there quietly and asked some questions every now and then. I suffered from depressive complaints and they have become so much less, I started to exercise more, eat healthier and

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Review truffle ceremony with Marcel as guide

What a trip I’ve made! Words can’t explain how and what that has been for me, but what I can express is how I got out of it. My interest in a truffle ceremony came after I saw this in a program that because of the active substances in certain truffles, connections are made in your brain that normally aren’t there. This is what I wanted to experience. Looking for who can do this I came to Triptherapie.nlthe right place

Ric Spruijt
Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Psilocybin ceremony reviews

You can read here what others say about the psilocybin ceremony we offer.

Update and more insights after my heroic trip

This is a follow up on my experience a few months ago — This might sound strange — but since my experience the meaningfulness and insight I’ve gained from my heroic does trip experience has actually increased. Not a day has gone by that I haven’t reflected upon this experience… and to say it has affected me in a positive way is a huge understatement. Although even to this day it’s hard to put into words what I experienced. It

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Tripping against depression

I tripped twice with the help of Marcel against my chronic depression. Because I really didn’t know anything about truffles and had no experience with them I liked it very much to notice how much Marcel clearly knows about them. He gave me a lot of tips about all the supplements that make the experience optimal. Before tripping he informed me well about everything and during the trip he listened very well to what I said. He also had insights

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Stopped smoking after 20 years, 2nd session with Marcel

Hello people there I am again with a new step I took together with Marcel. A month ago I quit drinking alchohol and last Friday I had another ceremony with Marcel and this time it was all about quitting smoking, and I did it! Marcel knows how to feel me very well and says things during the trip that influence you positively and stay in your thoughts, I never thought I could stop smoking and tried to quit before we

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

More energy and trust of intuition

I did this psychedelic journey to get more energy. And release any blockages. I have not received a direct answer, but instinctively my internal energy management has been recalibrated. And I have the impression that blockades have been released. I experienced it as very pleasant. Stendert exudes peace and confidence, which has helped me a lot during such a first ceremony. He also clearly stated what we could and could not expect. The ceremony was part of a personal development

Kees-Jan Snijder
Review Circle of Power, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review Stendert

Happy life!

The help you get beforehand with trip therapy is more and more personal than I am used to. I have seen enough psychologists and this works so much better! Before the trip I already noticed that food and supplements make me feel so much better than I expected. During the trip it seemed like a bomb. It has been a couple of weeks now. I still feel less insecure because I also take good care of myself. During the trip

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

A good guidance during my psychedelic journey

As a traveler with a little more experience, I can say that I recommend Marcel ! He offers a safe environment and has enough knowledge to be able to advise in many areas. With him you can grow as a human being by being inspired in several ways, when it comes to sports, nutrition or making a spiritual trip, Marcel can help you with that. I am a pleasant experience richer and strengthened in my path. Do as I say

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Face the fears

I had a very nice trip with Marcel. I wanted to find out what a trip could do for me, after I ran into some tricky pieces in my life I couldn’t really find the answer to. My fears often stopped me from following my feelings. Since I believe that all the answers are inside, I wanted to experience that for myself. After consulting with Marcel about which trip level could help, I had a wonderful and enlightening experience. Because

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Triptherapy… mission succeeded with coach Marcel

Triptherapy… I was careful. Did my research beforehand. Marcel also gave me the necessary information. I had faith in it and took it on. I found it quite exciting beforehand. But wow! What an experience. I have the necessary knowledge from psychology. In addition, I’ve done a lot of research into softening processes myself. But during the trip all the information comes together. But the masterly thing is that you already know the things that come out. That the answers

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Short report about my medium dose truffle ceremony with Marcel

My name is Victor, I have chosen psilocybin therapy for several reasons. The reasons are a bit different and I would like to keep them private but I think you can imagine why you would choose this path. I’ve been reading positive things about psilocybin therapy mainly from studies done in hospitals on depressed patients who are resistant to other treatments. This was not the case for me but I knew I could get things out of it that would

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Psychedelic Burnout healing

I suffered from burnout for 5 months, unfortunately I persisted during the burnout, not knowing what was going on with me and reached the final stage, couldn’t function normally and even communicate properly, had flattened emotions (depression) and had everything one can have from burnout. I went from one psychologist to another, I drank all the necessary vitamins, but didn’t see the result, read on the internet every day what I could still find, looked for something rare that would

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Marcel as a safe space tripsitter

Marcel provided a safe space for me to allow myself to explore an inner conflict I have been struggling with regarding my career and life direction. Marcel was very understanding of my need for privacy, but was also readily available to help out when necessary. He also provided me with useful advice regarding nutrition and exercise

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Review psilocybin ceremony as therapy

Last Saturday I experienced a beautiful psychedelic journey together with Marcel. What was my path here? I have a sensitivity for depression, and in spite of this sensitivity I have been able to achieve a lot, a lot of beautiful things that I haven’t been able to enjoy because of depression. My last episode was based on a gnawing feeling, something didn’t feel right. I started to focus on meaning. But also meaning could not comfort me when my love

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Experience truffle session

For some years now I’ve been walking with physical complaints after an accident. from a sportive person I sank away to a non-active person with twenty kilos overweight. Although on MRI scans and other tests there is nothing to be seen at all, I continued to suffer from my symptoms. No idea how many physios, manual therapists, chiropractors, etc, etc, I have worn out but nothing helped. At the same time we were also told that our daughter has a

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

My truffle experience with Marcel

My boyfriend had asked me to do a trip therapy with Marcel. And I thought this was going to be a standard colorful Saturday afternoon and in the evening I am chatting on a birthday. From the moment Marcel stepped in and conjured up his homemade hot truffle cocktail. I knew, this is not going to be a normal truffle session. I’m a fairly sensitive type and had asked for a mild dose, which I hadn’t even drunk. Because within

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Truffle ceremony after ayahuasca

I myself have a lot of experience with various ayahuasca ceremonies and truffle use, but this was very special! Good prior preparation with the right questions from Marcel ensures that you dig a little deeper into your subconscious. Marcel has a lot of knowledge about truffle use and human psyche. This complementary with personal attention and empathy results in a unique instructive trip therapy!

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Tree trip with Marcel

I was in Amsterdam for weekend and I decided to seize the opportunity to check out what actually is a guided trip. My previous experience with mushrooms was party/fun oriented but I had a deep feeling that there’s so much more that psychedelics can offer. I’ve contacted Triptherapy through WhatsApp and very quickly made some arrangements. All the questions I’ve asked were answered thoroughly and faster than I knew I was marching with a stranger to take drugs in a

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

2 x Truffle ceremony with Marcel as a depression treatment and against my anxiety

I tripped with Marcel twice in the past couple of weeks. I have been suffering from clinical depression and anxiety for the past 6 years, ever since I got bullied by some male coworkers. So, I had serious paranoia about using psychedelics as well as tripping with a strange male trip sitter in Amsterdam (as I had gotten really shocked and afraid because of my previous experiences with strange men while abroad). Marcel got in touch as soon I texted

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Trip similar to the Tibetan book of the dead planned, but became differently

Here is what I can say about Marcel in his job: Prior to the trip: Very responsive, open to adapt to wishes, well organized, makes sure that everything is prepared and that no open questions remain. During the trip: Very professional and experienced, absolutely ethical behaviour, emphatic and caring, acts not as a mere tripsitter but as a coach/guide during the trip. After the trip: Still caring, not rushing out quickly to another trip, instead taking time to say goodbye,

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Tripping and bloackages in the subconscious mind

For me, it was my first time. At first I wanted to do this for my hunting/stress problems during my work. I had also been in a ‘spiritual’ process for some time and felt that this had to happen. Anyway, the trip. It was a very intense start in which my body/mind system had to go through dark layers. Lots of nausea and feverish tunnel layers my body had to go through. All emotions/blocks in the subconscious were lived in

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

A journey to my subconscious

I had just checked into my studio that I had booked through Booking when Marcel rang the doorbell. A few weeks earlier, when I had finished my last project, I had booked a truffle ceremony online and today was the day that this place was going to take place. I wanted to listen more to my subconscious and see if I could find some career advice there. After all, I had just turned 40 and decided this was a great

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Healing and renewing experience

A friend told me about her trip with psilocybin and I saw that in a few days she seemed in a much better place than she had been lately. Being myself in a difficult situation, and dealing constantly with anxiety and depression, I ended up researching more on the topic and was impressed to read about the actual results with psilocybin in the treatment of depression and anxiety so I decided to give it a go. I am so grateful

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Went to the other side!

Wow. What can I say? I’d been wanting to do this for sometime since listening to all the amazing research being done by modern intellectuals and institutions. Sam Harris, Tim Ferris, Jason Silva, Roland Griffiths, Michael Pollan and tons more. When I heard that it was ranked by most people as the one of the five most meaningful experiences of their lives… I knew I had to try it. Thank goodness I found Marcel! I told him I wanted the

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

My psychedelic psilocybin trip in Haarlem

Introduction With all thanks to Marcel. He has prepared me in an excellent way for – and guided me during the trip. Throughout my life, a single question has been and still is central; who am I really and what is consciousness? I have always felt that these so-called unanswerable questions can only give a satisfactory response if you dare to equate the human imagination at least with the superpowerful outer sense. With paintings, poems and dramatic philosophical texts I

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Truffle trip level 3-4

I had a truffle therapy at home with Marcel in December, I really liked it. I had beautiful visualizations of my surroundings, and when I closed my eyes I was in a completely different world again. The aromatherapy and perfect music made it a very nice trip and Marcel sat there quietly and asked some questions every now and then. I suffered from depressive complaints and they have become so much less, I started to exercise more, eat healthier and

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Review truffle ceremony with Marcel as guide

What a trip I’ve made! Words can’t explain how and what that has been for me, but what I can express is how I got out of it. My interest in a truffle ceremony came after I saw this in a program that because of the active substances in certain truffles, connections are made in your brain that normally aren’t there. This is what I wanted to experience. Looking for who can do this I came to Triptherapie.nlthe right place

Ric Spruijt
Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Psiloflora ceremony reviews

You can read here what others say about the psiloflora ceremony we offer.


Do you want to know what it’s like to put your old life behind you and move on as a reborn human being? This happened to me after having a special cocktail of Marcel. Really, believe it or not, but I figuratively died during my trip and woke up as a new person. From now on I leave all my insecurities behind me because I value my life so much more. People wouldn’t it be a shame if you let

Review Marcel, Review Psiloflora Ceremony, Review service on location

Psiloflora Trip Therapy

The reason I chose trip therapy is because there is room for personal attention. That starts before you even start the actual trip. The advice I received has been very beneficial to me. Good healthy food, exercise and supplements had made me feel good about myself. My intention was clear and discussed with Marcel. Marcel’s explanation and attention was appreciated and was clear. He knows a lot about the workings of the substances in the brain and how to regulate

Review Marcel, Review Psiloflora Ceremony, Review service on location

Extended Psiloflora ceremony reviews

You can read here what others say about the extended psilocybin ceremony we offer.

Psychedelic journey in the Psychedelic Loft in Schiedam

guess I’ve had a lot of experiences that others have, but it’s intense to experience it myself. In the beginning I saw beautiful statues, lots of colours and geometric figures, but at one point these statues switched to skulls and nasty little figures. I was relieved that this happened quickly and that I could indeed send it myself. I see this as fear that can be overcome. The lonely, sad little man I saw caused me a lot of grief.

Review Extended Psiloflora Ceremony, Review Marcel, Review Psychedelic Loft Schiedam

Reviews about guide Arjan

Read the reviews about Arjan here below.

My inner journey

On September 20, 2019 I was ready for my third psychedelics trip. I had been given the extraordinary opportunity to be one of the first to do this session in a very special, idyllic location of our sympathetic host Arjan and of course under the guidance of everyone’s friend Stendert. The whole thing took place in a self-built wooden cabin, which was perfect for a two-person session with my good friend Steven.   In front of the cabin was the

Review Ajran, Review Circle of Power, Review Stendert

Reviews about guide Marcel

Read the reviews about Marcel here below.

Psychedelic session with 71 year old

Actually, my mother had been doing no so good for 20 years. Years of psychotherapy (and medication) had only helped her minimally with her childhood trauma. Every now and then things got a little better. Then she was full of energy and ‘cleared up’, but in recent years the periods of low energy, depression and ‘dark periods’ have been coming together more often, more intensely and darker. In December 2023 she reached a very dark low and decided (partly because

All reviews, Review Marcel

Update and more insights after my heroic trip

This is a follow up on my experience a few months ago — This might sound strange — but since my experience the meaningfulness and insight I’ve gained from my heroic does trip experience has actually increased. Not a day has gone by that I haven’t reflected upon this experience… and to say it has affected me in a positive way is a huge understatement. Although even to this day it’s hard to put into words what I experienced. It

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Tripping against depression

I tripped twice with the help of Marcel against my chronic depression. Because I really didn’t know anything about truffles and had no experience with them I liked it very much to notice how much Marcel clearly knows about them. He gave me a lot of tips about all the supplements that make the experience optimal. Before tripping he informed me well about everything and during the trip he listened very well to what I said. He also had insights

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Stopped smoking after 20 years, 2nd session with Marcel

Hello people there I am again with a new step I took together with Marcel. A month ago I quit drinking alchohol and last Friday I had another ceremony with Marcel and this time it was all about quitting smoking, and I did it! Marcel knows how to feel me very well and says things during the trip that influence you positively and stay in your thoughts, I never thought I could stop smoking and tried to quit before we

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Happy life!

The help you get beforehand with trip therapy is more and more personal than I am used to. I have seen enough psychologists and this works so much better! Before the trip I already noticed that food and supplements make me feel so much better than I expected. During the trip it seemed like a bomb. It has been a couple of weeks now. I still feel less insecure because I also take good care of myself. During the trip

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

A good guidance during my psychedelic journey

As a traveler with a little more experience, I can say that I recommend Marcel ! He offers a safe environment and has enough knowledge to be able to advise in many areas. With him you can grow as a human being by being inspired in several ways, when it comes to sports, nutrition or making a spiritual trip, Marcel can help you with that. I am a pleasant experience richer and strengthened in my path. Do as I say

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Face the fears

I had a very nice trip with Marcel. I wanted to find out what a trip could do for me, after I ran into some tricky pieces in my life I couldn’t really find the answer to. My fears often stopped me from following my feelings. Since I believe that all the answers are inside, I wanted to experience that for myself. After consulting with Marcel about which trip level could help, I had a wonderful and enlightening experience. Because

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Triptherapy… mission succeeded with coach Marcel

Triptherapy… I was careful. Did my research beforehand. Marcel also gave me the necessary information. I had faith in it and took it on. I found it quite exciting beforehand. But wow! What an experience. I have the necessary knowledge from psychology. In addition, I’ve done a lot of research into softening processes myself. But during the trip all the information comes together. But the masterly thing is that you already know the things that come out. That the answers

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Short report about my medium dose truffle ceremony with Marcel

My name is Victor, I have chosen psilocybin therapy for several reasons. The reasons are a bit different and I would like to keep them private but I think you can imagine why you would choose this path. I’ve been reading positive things about psilocybin therapy mainly from studies done in hospitals on depressed patients who are resistant to other treatments. This was not the case for me but I knew I could get things out of it that would

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Psychedelic Burnout healing

I suffered from burnout for 5 months, unfortunately I persisted during the burnout, not knowing what was going on with me and reached the final stage, couldn’t function normally and even communicate properly, had flattened emotions (depression) and had everything one can have from burnout. I went from one psychologist to another, I drank all the necessary vitamins, but didn’t see the result, read on the internet every day what I could still find, looked for something rare that would

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Marcel as a safe space tripsitter

Marcel provided a safe space for me to allow myself to explore an inner conflict I have been struggling with regarding my career and life direction. Marcel was very understanding of my need for privacy, but was also readily available to help out when necessary. He also provided me with useful advice regarding nutrition and exercise

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Review psilocybin ceremony as therapy

Last Saturday I experienced a beautiful psychedelic journey together with Marcel. What was my path here? I have a sensitivity for depression, and in spite of this sensitivity I have been able to achieve a lot, a lot of beautiful things that I haven’t been able to enjoy because of depression. My last episode was based on a gnawing feeling, something didn’t feel right. I started to focus on meaning. But also meaning could not comfort me when my love

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Experience truffle session

For some years now I’ve been walking with physical complaints after an accident. from a sportive person I sank away to a non-active person with twenty kilos overweight. Although on MRI scans and other tests there is nothing to be seen at all, I continued to suffer from my symptoms. No idea how many physios, manual therapists, chiropractors, etc, etc, I have worn out but nothing helped. At the same time we were also told that our daughter has a

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

My truffle experience with Marcel

My boyfriend had asked me to do a trip therapy with Marcel. And I thought this was going to be a standard colorful Saturday afternoon and in the evening I am chatting on a birthday. From the moment Marcel stepped in and conjured up his homemade hot truffle cocktail. I knew, this is not going to be a normal truffle session. I’m a fairly sensitive type and had asked for a mild dose, which I hadn’t even drunk. Because within

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Truffle ceremony after ayahuasca

I myself have a lot of experience with various ayahuasca ceremonies and truffle use, but this was very special! Good prior preparation with the right questions from Marcel ensures that you dig a little deeper into your subconscious. Marcel has a lot of knowledge about truffle use and human psyche. This complementary with personal attention and empathy results in a unique instructive trip therapy!

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Tree trip with Marcel

I was in Amsterdam for weekend and I decided to seize the opportunity to check out what actually is a guided trip. My previous experience with mushrooms was party/fun oriented but I had a deep feeling that there’s so much more that psychedelics can offer. I’ve contacted Triptherapy through WhatsApp and very quickly made some arrangements. All the questions I’ve asked were answered thoroughly and faster than I knew I was marching with a stranger to take drugs in a

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location


Do you want to know what it’s like to put your old life behind you and move on as a reborn human being? This happened to me after having a special cocktail of Marcel. Really, believe it or not, but I figuratively died during my trip and woke up as a new person. From now on I leave all my insecurities behind me because I value my life so much more. People wouldn’t it be a shame if you let

Review Marcel, Review Psiloflora Ceremony, Review service on location

2 x Truffle ceremony with Marcel as a depression treatment and against my anxiety

I tripped with Marcel twice in the past couple of weeks. I have been suffering from clinical depression and anxiety for the past 6 years, ever since I got bullied by some male coworkers. So, I had serious paranoia about using psychedelics as well as tripping with a strange male trip sitter in Amsterdam (as I had gotten really shocked and afraid because of my previous experiences with strange men while abroad). Marcel got in touch as soon I texted

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Trip similar to the Tibetan book of the dead planned, but became differently

Here is what I can say about Marcel in his job: Prior to the trip: Very responsive, open to adapt to wishes, well organized, makes sure that everything is prepared and that no open questions remain. During the trip: Very professional and experienced, absolutely ethical behaviour, emphatic and caring, acts not as a mere tripsitter but as a coach/guide during the trip. After the trip: Still caring, not rushing out quickly to another trip, instead taking time to say goodbye,

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Tripping and bloackages in the subconscious mind

For me, it was my first time. At first I wanted to do this for my hunting/stress problems during my work. I had also been in a ‘spiritual’ process for some time and felt that this had to happen. Anyway, the trip. It was a very intense start in which my body/mind system had to go through dark layers. Lots of nausea and feverish tunnel layers my body had to go through. All emotions/blocks in the subconscious were lived in

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

A journey to my subconscious

I had just checked into my studio that I had booked through Booking when Marcel rang the doorbell. A few weeks earlier, when I had finished my last project, I had booked a truffle ceremony online and today was the day that this place was going to take place. I wanted to listen more to my subconscious and see if I could find some career advice there. After all, I had just turned 40 and decided this was a great

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Healing and renewing experience

A friend told me about her trip with psilocybin and I saw that in a few days she seemed in a much better place than she had been lately. Being myself in a difficult situation, and dealing constantly with anxiety and depression, I ended up researching more on the topic and was impressed to read about the actual results with psilocybin in the treatment of depression and anxiety so I decided to give it a go. I am so grateful

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Went to the other side!

Wow. What can I say? I’d been wanting to do this for sometime since listening to all the amazing research being done by modern intellectuals and institutions. Sam Harris, Tim Ferris, Jason Silva, Roland Griffiths, Michael Pollan and tons more. When I heard that it was ranked by most people as the one of the five most meaningful experiences of their lives… I knew I had to try it. Thank goodness I found Marcel! I told him I wanted the

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

My psychedelic psilocybin trip in Haarlem

Introduction With all thanks to Marcel. He has prepared me in an excellent way for – and guided me during the trip. Throughout my life, a single question has been and still is central; who am I really and what is consciousness? I have always felt that these so-called unanswerable questions can only give a satisfactory response if you dare to equate the human imagination at least with the superpowerful outer sense. With paintings, poems and dramatic philosophical texts I

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Psychedelic journey in the Psychedelic Loft in Schiedam

guess I’ve had a lot of experiences that others have, but it’s intense to experience it myself. In the beginning I saw beautiful statues, lots of colours and geometric figures, but at one point these statues switched to skulls and nasty little figures. I was relieved that this happened quickly and that I could indeed send it myself. I see this as fear that can be overcome. The lonely, sad little man I saw caused me a lot of grief.

Review Extended Psiloflora Ceremony, Review Marcel, Review Psychedelic Loft Schiedam

Psiloflora Trip Therapy

The reason I chose trip therapy is because there is room for personal attention. That starts before you even start the actual trip. The advice I received has been very beneficial to me. Good healthy food, exercise and supplements had made me feel good about myself. My intention was clear and discussed with Marcel. Marcel’s explanation and attention was appreciated and was clear. He knows a lot about the workings of the substances in the brain and how to regulate

Review Marcel, Review Psiloflora Ceremony, Review service on location

Truffle trip level 3-4

I had a truffle therapy at home with Marcel in December, I really liked it. I had beautiful visualizations of my surroundings, and when I closed my eyes I was in a completely different world again. The aromatherapy and perfect music made it a very nice trip and Marcel sat there quietly and asked some questions every now and then. I suffered from depressive complaints and they have become so much less, I started to exercise more, eat healthier and

Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Review truffle ceremony with Marcel as guide

What a trip I’ve made! Words can’t explain how and what that has been for me, but what I can express is how I got out of it. My interest in a truffle ceremony came after I saw this in a program that because of the active substances in certain truffles, connections are made in your brain that normally aren’t there. This is what I wanted to experience. Looking for who can do this I came to Triptherapie.nlthe right place

Ric Spruijt
Review Marcel, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review service on location

Reviews about guide Stendert

Read the reviews about Stendert here below.

Beautifull and safe place

Manu and Stendert, I am grateful for my second psychedelic experience. You have given us a trusted and safe environment with your sweet care in a beautiful and appropriate environment in the forest house. Love, Danielle

Review Circle of Power, Review Stendert

Amazing experience

What an amazing experience it was. I’m still processing it. Partly because of your good care, everything was taken care of down to the last detail and in its place. Just great!

Review Circle of Power, Review Stendert

More energy and trust of intuition

I did this psychedelic journey to get more energy. And release any blockages. I have not received a direct answer, but instinctively my internal energy management has been recalibrated. And I have the impression that blockades have been released. I experienced it as very pleasant. Stendert exudes peace and confidence, which has helped me a lot during such a first ceremony. He also clearly stated what we could and could not expect. The ceremony was part of a personal development

Kees-Jan Snijder
Review Circle of Power, Review Psilocybin Ceremony, Review Stendert

My inner journey

On September 20, 2019 I was ready for my third psychedelics trip. I had been given the extraordinary opportunity to be one of the first to do this session in a very special, idyllic location of our sympathetic host Arjan and of course under the guidance of everyone’s friend Stendert. The whole thing took place in a self-built wooden cabin, which was perfect for a two-person session with my good friend Steven.   In front of the cabin was the

Review Ajran, Review Circle of Power, Review Stendert


I just wanted to say that I’m so grateful that I met you, and grateful for all the knowledge you gave me, Sten!

Review Circle of Power, Review Stendert

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